Picking a software that’s right for your business can be a strenuous job. How much should you pay? Will free takeoff software work for your business? How are you suppose to know the answer to these questions?  With hundreds of softwares out there it can seem nearly impossible to choose the best one for you. So don’t just jump into a software, let PlanSwift be your life vest in this article about picking the best FREE software for your business.  

There are numerous different kinds of takeoff and estimating software, all varying in pricing and features. You could go with the most expensive brand, that will get you a great software with lots of features but will it be worth the money? On average bidding software can cost $1,468 with a median of $750. So before you waste your hard earned money on a software that might not even work for your business, let’s talk about FREE takeoff and estimating software.


FREE estimating software


I use the term “FREE software” loosely as the free software never actually ends up being free. It won’t cost an arm and a leg but even the best of free softwares have a learning curve that requires additional training to be purchased.

Most of the free softwares are loaded with ads that slow down your bidding process and some end up being worse for your computer, and your business. Some free softwares don’t even function to the ability originally advertised and can install spyware and viruses onto your computer. In the long run, they will cost you more than you imagined.

Now that’s only true for some of the Free softwares out on the market. There are some good companies out there who truly want to help their customers simplify their takeoff process, and take it easy on the wallets too. But how can you tell which one is which? Which software will work, and which one will potentially condemn your computer?




If you’re looking for a software with dozens of incredible features with an affordable price tag, look no further. PlanSwift is the number one takeoff and estimating software on the market and doesn’t break the bank either. Even if you’re not looking to purchase a licence, PlanSwift offers a 14 day FREE trial of the software with a free training package too.


Easy-Pro Builders Estimator


Easy-Pro Builders Estimator is an Apache OpenOffice based software made specifically for the takeoff and estimating portion of the construction industry. This software is easily customised and supports over 20 different trades. Easy-Pro keeps a tally of all of your estimate costs and totals them on a summary page automatically. This software includes embedded macro buttons all throughout the software, labor and material calculators, and converters.

Easy-Pro only asks for a .01% donation of the total job value when you win a bid but it’s not required, it still maintains the status as a completely free takeoff and estimating software.




iScope is a takeoff and estimating software mainly used for the loss estimating process. Stephen Hadhazi, the creator and developer of the software created the software so no one has to go through the grooling process of choosing a software that’s right for your business. Over the years as  professional in the construction industry, he’s tried several different estimating softwares but couldn’t get any to work for him. After spending hundreds of dollars just trying out softwares he decided to create his own free software and open it to the public.

iScope is a completely free software but also offers a paid version. No definitive answers have been released as to how the free and paid versions differ.


What are the Top 3 Best Construction Takeoff and Estimating Software?

Check out PlanSwift’s new article here:


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