Inflatable Concrete

How is it made?   The technique used by architect Nicolo Bini is an elementary school tradition. The technique he uses is something similar to that of covering a balloon with papier-mache and popping it after it’s hardened, making stable domes. Binishell works...

Self-Driving Cars

It’s been something out of a dream of science-fiction for more than half a century now but self-driving cars are no longer just a fantasy. Imagine communicating with your car like you would communicate with Siri on your iPhone. Tell it “take me to work,” and it does...

IBS Trade Show 2017

What is the IBS Trade Show?   IBS or International Builders’ Show, is the biggest annual construction show in the world. Each year they attract 50,000 people from more than 100 countries around the world. IBS brings together the construction industry’s most...

What are Artificial Reefs?

What are artificial reefs?   Artificial reefs are human made underwater structures built to promote marine life in areas with a generally featureless bottom, to control erosion, block ship passage, or improve surfing. Though most of the artificial reefs are...