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PlanSwift is pleased to present our customers with many new features and enhancements we’ve added to our industry-leading takeoff and estimating software, which significantly improves the ease of use.

Here are some of the most requested features in the new version 9.4 release:

·  New Annotation Tools – This new feature set includes the ability to create revision clouds, rubber stamps and sticky tabs to easily mark up your drawings.

·  Area Fill for subtracted sections – This time saver allows you to simply drag and drop templates onto a subtracted area section to automatically fill it with the new item.

·  Global Currency Setting – Allows you to easily set a different currency in PlanSwift

·  Right Click on Page to open in a new Tab

·  Updated PDF support

·  Copy to Clipboard

·  Improved Zoom, Pan and ‘Auto-scroll’ functions

For a complete listing and video of all the featured enhancements in version 9.4 click here:

If you have a maintenance subscription and would like to update to 9.4 now simply open PlanSwift and go to the Help tab and select “Check for Updates” and follow the on screen prompts.

If you are not currently subscribed to maintenance and want to know more please call us at 1-888-752-6794 ext 1 for a brief demonstration and a maintenance quote.

The PlanSwift Team
Phone: 888-752-6794 Ext 1
