Drones have been making a positive impact on the construction world since becoming a part of the industry years ago. Some companies use drones to record things like spatial locations, distances, and temperature on the job site and others use it to capture digital images that workers can then review and analyze for later use. Whatever the case, more companies than ever are considering using drones in their construction projects.

How can Drones improve your Construction Project?


As drones become more and more popular in construction, it seems as though they are slowly replacing traditional land-surveillance methods. More companies are opening their minds to the idea of this advanced way of monitoring the whole job site at once.

Drones can easily show your client the progress of the project in real time whether it be the progress of the building, renovations, or inspections. This makes tedious commutes to the job site for your client a thing of the past.

Drones can even help with construction projects that haven’t started yet. Designers and architects can now get an accurate idea of what the site looks like and measure how much space they have for their project. Drones can fly for roughly 30 minutes before the battery is completely drained. In that time the machine can easily collect up to 30 gigabytes of photos which is more than enough to get an accurate reading of the site.

“If you look at surveys done five years ago and even today, it would take two weeks to gather 500 points of date, and you would give a report within a week or two,” said EL-Moursi, the general manager of construction and facilities management at PrecisionHawk in Raleigh, North Carolina, “A drone can get about 2 million points in about 30 minutes, and give a report within 48 hours.”


Adapting drones into the construction industry not only helps improve surveying techniques but also lessens the amount of labor and time needed to create accurate surveys. Drones also lessen the risk of human errors and capture crucial data in a fraction of the time as traditional methods.

One of the main jobs of any project manager is to keep your workers productive. Energy levels of workers will understandably range and change day to day, sometimes even hour by hour, but with the help of drones you can monitor overall productivity. Drones can also help with equipment inventory, whether it gets damaged on the site and how, or if any equipment goes missing or gets damaged.

Drones can be used for a variety of different things throughout the construction industry. Survey your job site or your workers and even integrate it with software your company may already be using.


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