101310_2038_HouseConstr2.jpgFunny thing about technology it’s the basis for the thing most humans try to avoid in life, CHANGE.

It took about 11 years for most homes to invite the TV into the living room, remember when they called the cell phone a “brick” we look back now and it actually is compared to what we have today.

In an instant we can check email, update our status on face book, create word document stored in the cloud on Google docs, read the latest steamy romance novel from our Amazon Kindle account, track our every move or have a nice lady tell us how to get somewhere with our navigation package, and on and on, oh yea I forgot we can also answer a call on the same device.

Why talk about cell phones on a contractor based platform?

Because PlanSwift is in the same area.

How many people still pull out the ruler a sharp pencil and a calculator and spend hours sometimes days to figure out how many square feet of sheet rock they will need, how many 2×4’s should I order, carpet, how many yards, if I can cover this many square feet with a gallon of paint how many gallons should I buy “I really don’t want an extra 20 gallons of pink lemonade on hand, don’t think there will be a call for this color again.”

The list goes on, with all these measurements in all these different categories why is it we still pull out a pencil?

Change, sometimes people just “trust” themselves better than “that software” while I’ll admit the navigation lady has sent me on a few “wild goose chases” she’s overall been more accurate than I am or the guy at 7-11 on the corner.

Yes sometimes change stretches us, but it’s in that change that we grow.

Learning new things can be a bit intimidating sometimes but when we have taken the time to learn how to do something new we find ourselves thinking “Gheesh I should have done that years ago”.

PlanSwift takeoff software is just that, you take a few hours get used to how it works, call us we’ll go over how to use it, we won’t make fun of you because we understand that new things can be challenging, but… after a small time all of a sudden you can open the software pull up the plan click a few times and now you know:

  • How much paint to buy.
  • How many pieces of sheetrock do I need.
  • How many 2×4’s to order.
  • How much carpet you need for each room.
  • How many squares of shingles do I need.
  • How man yards of cement to have the trucks bring.
  • How many pallets of sod to have delivered.
  • How much asphalt do I need.
  • How many feet of handrail do I order.

All of the above and anything else you can imagine that goes into the creating a home or commercial business can be done in minutes compared to hours.

You know what it feels like to come to the end of a job and because of over or under estimates we have either spent too much or bought too little that required getting that product locally at a higher cost than we got the rest on bulk order.

Every single mistake takes dollars out of your profit; you ended up working just to keep the crews busy with little advancement towards that trip to Hawaii your family wants.

Is it worth it?
Should you “just stick to the old ways?”

Drywall cost estimating software

Were here, we know what we’re doing just like you do on the job, our job is to make yours easier, that’s what we do, take a few minutes, slow down for a couple of hours, download the PlanSwift takeoff software trial, call us in the middle of tinkering and well show you how it works.

Now you just saved 10%, 18%, 22% of the overspent bill, now you did the job, kept your guys busy, pleased the owner and also have PROFIT.

That’s what it’s about right, dong the best job you can and making money at it, PlanSwift is that piece you have been missing, now that you have it you wonder “why didn’t I do this 10 years ago”.

The cell phone is a wonderful tool, so is your new friend “PlanSwift” takeoff software.

Learn it, we’ll show you how.





PlanSwift Takeoff and construction estimating software
: 1-888-PLANSWIFT (1-888-752-6794) or 1-801-386-5008