Materials, Tools, Concepts (basically stuff you do and items you’ll be using).

  1. The inside or “core” of the pyramid roughly cut block stabilized with gypsum mortar that doesn’t even bind the block together, it’s more of a “filler” to keep the blocks positioned correctly.
  2. The exterior and interior rooms of the pyramid built from limestone, granite, granodiorite, syenite, and basalt.
  3. They could have used copper chisels but none have been found on site to date and definitely no iron tools available on the market yet.
  4. Water in trenches for leveling (possibility).
  5. Pounding with dolerite, drilling and cutting with quartz sand as an abrasive.
  6. Moving materials as heavy as 60 tons or more.
  7. Exterior aligned with specific objects to incredibly accurate placement.
  8. Interior, a labyrinth of mazes, hidden rooms, air shafts, shafts pointing in specific directions to possibly view celestial objects at a specific time of year.

The list goes on concerning the difficulty each so called department had to do, similar to what we experience when we build a home now, there’s a roofer, a framer, an electrician, a sheet rocker just to name a few of the subs that have to take into consideration just like the above tools and materials, how much do they need of what kind of materials and where its positioned?

Now days in consideration of the pyramid builders plans are drawn up using specialized software and emailed out to the sub contractors that have been hired to do a certain part of the job, that’s good news, its work, its money.  Now you have to take building plans that were drawn up by an architect that might have a different vision than you do and being accurate in what your part of the pyramid building is completely crucial.

You understand that what you do right or wrong is going to affect the next sub that has to put something on top of the base you have built.

If the plan inside the pyramid or the outside wasn’t set to exact placement, people were executed.

Can you imagine if the pyramid builders had what we have now, “Takeoff Software”, everything would be Fast, Complete and Accurate, no more wondering if the Pharaoh is going to execute you for a screw up on the pyramid because now you have takeoff software to complete your task accurately, efficiently, without having an overage or underage of materials, and you can get it done so fast the Pharaoh will reward you.

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